THE MAIDEN TRIBUTE OF MODERN BABYLON / 現代バビロンの乙女のオマージュ / Gendai babiron no otome no omāju kono tōkō no taitoru `gendai no babiron no otome no toribyūto' wa




The title of this post “The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon” is taken from a series of newspaper articles written as long ago as the year 1885. At time of writing this is 134 years ago. I was going to call it something like “How Did We Get Into This Mess?”, but I hope that by using the title The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon I’ll get lots of hits on this blog, which will be a good way to fight back against all the propaganda with its roots in this 19th Century newspaper campaign.


To sum up, according to the series The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon, in 1885 there was a big problem with organised criminals running prostitution in London. According to these articles, this included kidnapping, drugging, and raping girls in the age range 13-15, but sometimes under 13 as well. These girls came not only from London, but from other parts of Britain. They could also be shipped to Continental Europe. According to the law at that time, as soon as girls turned 13 they could consent to sex. However, this wasn’t really approved of. Sex outside marriage was frowned on. Unmarried girls who had sex were described as “ruined” or “fallen”. The result of the publication of these articles was the raising of the age of consent for girls in Britain from 13 to 16.


You can read a summary of this series of newspaper articles by clicking the link below. I must warn you before reading it that society in 1885 was quite different to today. The girls aged 13-15 of that era were physically younger and not nearly as knowledgeable as girls of 13-15 of the current era. This means that the situation described in these articles has no connection with anything going on today. Unfortunately, even the language these articles are written in is quite different from the language used today. If you’ve read a lot of Charles Dickens’ stories, then  that may help you understand, but Dickens died in 1870, which 15 years before these articles were written and language is changing all the time. The word “situation” is used instead of job. A girl was going into a “situation”, which was actually a ruse for being sold into prostitution. This usage is as in classified ads from years ago under the category “Situations Vacant”. For now, you should only read the page below. I advise you not to read the actual articles in this newspaper series for the time being.


I advise people to watch and read the news from as many different sources as possible to prevent themselves from being told what to think or brainwashed.


At the moment, I’m working on a longer post or even series of posts, which totally undermines, deconstructs, or even destroys the propaganda written in The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon, but that could take some time to complete. I’ve also found another web page which is a detailed analysis describing the effect these articles are still having on our society today, so I’ll post a link to it soon.

Wikipedia page



この投稿のタイトル「現代のバビロンの乙女のトリビュート」は、1885年という昔に書かれた一連の新聞記事から引用されています。執筆時点では、これは134年前です。 「どのようにしてこの混乱に陥ったのか」などと呼ぶつもりでしたが、タイトル「The Modern Mailon Tribute of Modern Babylon」を使用することで、このブログで多くのヒットが得られることを願っています。この19世紀の新聞キャンペーンにそのルーツがあるすべてのプロパガンダに立ち向かう。
以下のリンクをクリックすると、この一連の新聞記事の要約を読むことができます。それを読む前に、1885年の社会は今日とはまったく異なっていたことを警告しなければなりません。その時代の13〜15歳の少女は、物理的に若く、現在の時代の13〜15歳の少女ほど知識がありませんでした。つまり、これらの記事で説明されている状況は、今日起こっていることとは何の関係もないということです。残念ながら、これらの記事が書かれている言語でさえ、現在使用されている言語とはまったく異なります。チャールズ・ディケンズの多くの物語を読んだなら、それはあなたの理解に役立つかもしれませんが、ディケンズは1870年に亡くなりました。仕事の代わりに「状況」という言葉が使われます。少女は「状況」に陥っていました。これは実際には売春に売られたという策略でした。この使用法は、「Situations Vacant」カテゴリの下での数年前のクラシファイド広告と同じです。現時点では、以下のページのみをお読みください。とりあえず、この新聞シリーズの実際の記事を読まないことをお勧めします。

Gendai babiron no otome no omāju kono tōkō no taitoru `gendai no babiron no otome no toribyūto' wa,


1885-nen to iu mukashi ni kaka reta ichiren no shinbun kiji kara in'yō sa rete imasu. Shippitsu jitende wa, kore wa 134-nen maedesu. `Dono yō ni shite kono konran ni ochītta no ka' nado to yobu tsumorideshitaga, taitoru `The modan Mailon Tribute of modan Babylon' o shiyō suru koto de, kono burogu de ōku no hitto ga e rareru koto o negatte imasu. Kono 19 seiki no shinbun kyanpēn ni sono rūtsu ga aru subete no puropaganda ni tachimukau.   Yōyaku suru to, shirīzu `gendai babiron no otome toribyūto' ni yoru to, 1885-nen ni wa, Rondon de baishun o shite iru soshiki hanzai-sha ni ōkina mondai ga arimashita. Korera no kiji ni yoru to, kore ni wa 13 〜 15-sai no shōjo no 誘 N, mayaku, reipu ga fukuma remasuga, 13-sai-miman no shōjo mo imasu. Korera no on'nanoko wa rondonkara dakedenaku, Igirisu no ta no chiiki kara mo kimashita. Mata, yōroppa tairiku ni shukka suru koto mo dekimasu. Tōji no hōritsu ni yoreba, shōjo-tachi ga 13-sai ni naruto sugu ni, sekkusu ni dōi suru koto ga dekimashita. Tadashi, kore wa jissai ni wa shōnin sa rete imasen. Kekkon igai no sekkusu wa kirawa remashita. Sekkusu o shita mikon no shōjo wa,`dainashi ni sa reta' matawa `taoreta' to hyōgen sa remashita. Korera no kiji no kōkai no kekka, Igirisu no joshi no dōi nenrei ga 13-sai kara 16-sai ni hikiage raremashita.   Ika no rinku o kurikkusuruto, kono ichiren no shinbun kiji no yōyaku o yomu koto ga dekimasu. Sore o yomu mae ni, 1885-nen no shakai wa kyō to wa mattaku kotonatte ita koto o keikoku shinakereba narimasen. Sono jidai no 13 〜 15-sai no shōjo wa, butsuri-teki ni wakaku, genzai no jidai no 13 〜 15-sai no shōjo hodo chishiki ga arimasendeshita. Tsumari, korera no kiji de setsumei sa rete iru jōkyō wa, kyō okotte iru koto to wa nani no kankei mo nai to iu kotodesu. Zan'nen'nagara, korera no kiji ga kaka rete iru gengode sae, genzai shiyō sa rete iru gengo to wa mattaku kotonarimasu. Chāruzu dikenzu no ōku no monogatari o yondanara, sore wa anata no rikai ni yakudatsu kamo shiremasenga, dikenzu wa 1870-nen ni nakunarimashita. Shigoto no kawarini `jōkyō' to iu kotoba ga tsukawa remasu. Shōjo wa `jōkyō' ni ochītte imashita. Kore wa jissai ni wa baishun ni ura reta to iu sakuryakudeshita. Ko no shiyō-hō wa,`Situations Vacant' kategori no shita de no sūnenmae no kurashifaido kōkoku to onajidesu. Genjitende wa, ika no pēji nomi o o yomi kudasai. Toriaezu, kono shinbun shirīzu no jissai no kiji o yomanai koto o o susume shimasu.   Kangaerubeki koto ya sen'nō subeki koto o iwa renai yō ni, dekiru dake ōku no kotonaru sōsu kara no nyūsu o mite yomu koto o hitobito ni susumemasu.   Genzai, watashi wa nagai tōkō matawa ichiren no tōkō ni torikunde imasu. Korera wa, gendai babiron no otome no toribyūto de kaka reta puropaganda o kanzen ni jakutai-ka, kaitai, sarani wa hakai shimasuga, kanryō suru ni wa jikan ga kakarimasu. Mata, korera no kiji ga kyō mo watashitachi no shakai ni ataete iru eikyō o shōsai ni bunseki shita betsu no u~ebu pēji o mitsuketanode, sugu ni rinku o tōkō shimasu. U~ikipedia no pēji