AI Artwork

It’s been some time since I posted on here, which was because of lack of visitors to my blog.


Recently, I’ve been thinking about some of the fantasies that GUSs told me about and producing some AI artwork based on them.


These fantasies are about GUSs and what kinds of outfits they might wear. It’s all based on a short chat I once had with a girl whose name began with the letter A. She told me she was 13, blonde, and that night she was going to the opening of her Dad’s restaurant, where she’d be wearing “a cleavage dress and a cleavage bra”! This amount of detail, or lack of detail immediately started me fantasising over her. I started wondering how low down the V cutout at the front was, the angle of the sides, where they came up to, and if parts of her bra were visible. I think this is a great subject of conversation for online chats!


Here are some of the pieces of AI artwork. I hope you enjoy them!!


Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4










女の子自身のファンタジー - パート 3 / On'nanoko jishin no fantajī - pāto 3

女の子自身のファンタジー - パート 3






S'e は 14 歳で、その後 15 歳の少女でした。趣味は何かと聞くと、「しゃぐと怒る」という返事が返ってきました。




最初に彼女に電話したとき、彼女の友人が「S'e is in theトイレ」と答えたが、彼女がその言葉を数語言うだけで、彼女は GUS であることが分かった.


その後まもなく、S'e は私を感動させるためだけに毛むくじゃらのことについて嘘をついていたと私に言い、「処女と性交する準備はできていますか?」と私に尋ねたので、私はそれは問題ないと言いました。ただし、私はクソ処女に夢中ではありません。これは、私が彼女を犯した直後にセクシーな GUS を捨てることを意味します。


その後、S'e はオンラインで、休暇でギリシャに行く予定で、そこでたくさんの写真を撮ることになっていると教えてくれました。当時のゲーム番組の出場者と同じスタイルのピンクのビキニを着ると言っていたのですが、私はそのゲーム番組を見ていないので、どのようなスタイルのビキニを着ているのかよくわかりませんでした。私はこの特定の出場者が 30 歳であることを読んだことがありますが、それは、同じビキニが 14 歳の GUS とはかなり異なって見え、彼女の素敵な新しい GUS の谷間、おっぱい、お腹を見せびらかすことを意味していました。お尻、そして足。




その後、ギリシャでの休暇から戻った後、S'e は休暇中に 17 歳でフレンチ キスをしたと言った DJ に会ったと私に話しました。彼女が自分の年齢について嘘をつく必要があると感じたことにがっかりしました。彼女はもう一度あのDJと会うべきだったと思い、14歳であることを彼に伝え、これが彼にどんな影響を与えるかを観察した.


S'e がしたもう 1 つのことは、ピル (避妊薬または経口避妊薬) の服用を開始したことです。その後、彼女は、「私のホルモンはいたるところにあるので、私に会うのを遅らせる必要がある」と言った。私は本当に彼女に会いたかったので、これにはがっかりしました。その状態でお会いできてよかったと思います。


S'e はまた、家族がベッド & ブレックファストを経営している GUS の友人がいると教えてくれました。彼女はそこによく立ち寄ったと言いました。彼女は、この B&B の部屋を予約してから、私の部屋に来て、セックスをしたり、少なくとも抱き合ったり、キスしたり、手コキをしたりするなど、たくさんの身体的接触をしてもよいと提案しました。わたしのことを考えて。私がチェックインした直後に彼女がS’eに電話して、彼女が私のことをどう思ったかなど、私について少し話してくれると思いました。この友達は、簡単なチャットのために私の部屋に来たかもしれませんし、私を誘惑しようとしたかもしれません! S'e が B&B を頻繁に訪問してくれるのは素晴らしいことだと思いました。これは、もしオーナーやスタッフが私の部屋の近くやドアの外で彼女を見つけたとしても、不審に思わなかったからです。


S'e は、GUS にとって本当に驚くべきことを達成することができました。それは、地元の評議会が彼女に両親から離れて住むための新しい場所を与えることでした!彼女がこれをやり遂げたとはとても信じられませんでした!私はとても幸せでした。なぜなら、私はすぐに S'e に会うことを夢想し始めたので、彼女は私を彼女の場所に連れ戻してくれました。


また、私はいくつかの物語を書いていると S'e に言いました。どういうジャンルかと聞かれたら、「な話」と答えた。彼女はすぐに「卑 storiesな話が好き」と言いました。この後、せーちゃんと僕をフィーチャーした卑な物語を書かざるを得なくなった。それは、性的同意年齢が 14 歳の別の国で登録された船上で私たちが会うことについてでした。その船に乗って。私は彼女が何を着ていたのか、そして彼女がそのような格好をしているのを見た人は誰も彼女が 14 歳だとは思わなかったであろうことを説明した.私は彼女が私の小屋にやって来て、私たちがどのようにそこに降りてきたかについて書きました。彼女は私に棒鋼のような大規模な勃起を与えました。残念ながら、その段階で私は物語を続けるためのインスピレーションを失いました。

S’eはファイルを自分のコンピューターに保存した後、ブラウザーでファイルを表示する方法を理解できなかったため、ストーリーを紹介するWebサイトをセットアップする必要がありました。これは、アドレス バーをクリックし、プルダウン メニューをアクティブにして、ハード ドライブを検索することで実際に可能です。 URL は Universal Resource Locator の略で、インターネットではなくハード ドライブにページを保存できることを意味します。それをオンラインにするのは少しリスクがあったかもしれないと思いましたが、それを実行しました。ページが検索エンジンによって見つけられ、インデックス化されるまでには、しばらく時間がかかりました。




S' e wa 14-sai de, sonogo 15-sai no shōjodeshita. Shumi wa nani ka to kiku to,`shi ~yaguto okoru' to iu henji ga kaette kimashita. Saisho, watashi wa kanojo ga dansei demo otokonoko demo josei demonai GUSdearu koto o kakunin suru tame ni kanojo no koe o kikanakereba naranai to iimashita, kanojo wa watashi ni kanojo no tenwabangō o oshiete kuremashita, soshite watashi wa kakunin suru tame ni kanojo ni sū-funkan hanashimashita. Kanojo no koe wa, kyūto de sekushīna GUS no koe ni pittaridato sugu ni omottaga, kanojo wa watashi o on ni shitanode, kanojo to hanashi tsudzuketa. Saisho ni kanojo ni denwa shita toki, kanojo no yūjin ga `S ' e is in the toire' to kotaetaga, kanojo ga sono kotoba o sū-go iu dake de, kanojo wa GUSdearu koto ga wakatta. Sonogo mamonaku, S' e wa watashi o kandō sa seru tame dake ni kemukujara no koto ni tsuite uso o tsuite ita to watashi ni ii,`shojo to seikō suru junbi wa dekite imasu ka?' To watashi ni tazunetanode, watashi wa sore wa mondainai to iimashita. Tadashi, watashi wa kuso shojo ni muchūde wa arimasen. Kore wa, watashi ga kanojo o okashita chokugo ni sekushīna GUS o suteru koto o imi shimasu. Sonogo, S' e wa onrain de, kyūka de Girisha ni iku yotei de, sokode takusan no shashin o toru koto ni natte iru to oshiete kuremashita. Tōji no gēmu bangumi no shutsujō-sha to onaji sutairu no pinku no bikini o kiru to itte ita nodesuga, watashi wa sono gēmu bangumi o mite inainode, do no yōna sutairu no bikini o kite iru no ka yoku wakarimasendeshita. Watashi wa kono tokutei no shutsujō-sha ga 30-saidearu koto o yonda koto ga arimasuga, soreha, onaji bikini ga 14-sai no GUS to wa kanari kotonatte mie, kanojo no sutekina atarashī GUS no tanima, oppai, onaka o misebirakasu koto o imi shite imashita. O shiri, soshite ashi. S' e wa mata, kanojo no nureta shashin ga ikutsu ka aru to iimashita. Watashi wa sugu ni kanojo no kami ga nurete iru basho no shashin o mitakunaito kanojo ni iimashita. Sonogo, Girisha de no kyūka kara modotta nochi, S' e wa kyūka-chū ni 17-sai de furenchi kisuwoshita to itta DJ ni atta to watashi ni hanashimashita. Kanojo ga jibun no nenrei ni tsuite usowotsuku hitsuyō ga aru to kanjita koto ni gakkari shimashita. Kanojo wa mōichido ano DJ to aubekidatta to omoi, 14-saidearu koto o kare ni tsutae, kore ga kare ni don'na eikyōwoataeru ka o kansatsu shita. S' e ga shita mō 1-tsu no koto wa, piru (hinin-yaku matawa keikō hinin-yaku) no fukuyō o kaishi shita kotodesu. Sonogo, kanojo wa,`watashi no horumon wa itaru tokoro ni aru node, watashi ni au no o okuraseru hitsuyō ga aru' to itta. Watashi wa hontōni kanojo ni aitakattanode, kore ni wa gakkari shimashita. Sono jōtai de o ai dekite yokatta to omoimasu. S' e wa mata, kazoku ga beddo& burekkufasuto o keiei shite iru GUS no yūjin ga iru to oshiete kuremashita. Kanojo wa soko ni yoku tachiyotta to iimashita. Kanojo wa, kono B& B no heya o yoyaku shite kara, watashinoheya ni kite, sekkusu o shi tari, sukunakutomo dakiattari, kisushitari, dekoki o shi tari suru nado, takusan no karada-teki sesshoku o shite mo yoi to teian shimashita. Watashi no koto o kangaete. Watashi ga chekkuin shita chokugo ni kanojo ga S’ e ni denwa shite, kanojo ga watashinokoto o dō omotta ka nado, watashi ni tsuite sukoshi hanashite kureru to omoimashita. Kono tomodachi wa, kantan'na chatto no tame ni watashinoheya ni kita kamo shiremasenshi, watashi o yūwaku shiyou to shita kamo shiremasen! S' e ga B& B o hinpan ni hōmon shite kureru no wa subarashī kotoda to omoimashita. Kore wa, moshi ōnā ya sutaffu ga watashinoheya no chikaku ya doa no soto de kanojo o mitsuketa to shite mo, fushin ni omowanakattakaradesu. S' e wa, GUS ni totte hontōni odorokubeki koto o tassei suru koto ga dekimashita. Sore wa, jimoto no hyōgi-kai ga kanojo ni ryōshin kara hanarete sumu tame no atarashī basho o ataeru kotodeshita! Kanojo ga kore o yaritogeta to wa totemo shinji raremasendeshita! Watashi wa totemo shiawasedeshita. Nazenara, watashi wa sugu ni S' e ni au koto o musō shi hajimetanode, kanojo wa watashi o kanojo no basho ni tsuremodoshite kuremashita. Mata, watashi wa ikutsu ka no monogatari o kaite iru to S' e ni iimashita. Dōiu janru ka to kika retara,`na hanashi' to kotaeta. Kanojo wa sugu ni ` 卑 Storiesna hanashi ga suki' to iimashita. Kono ato, se ̄ chanto boku o fīchā shita 卑Na monogatari o kakazaru o enaku natta. Sore wa,-sei-teki dōi nenrei ga 14-sai no betsu no kuni de tōroku sa reta senjō de watashitachi ga au koto ni tsuitedeshita. Sono fune ni notte. Watashi wa kanojo ga nani o kite ita no ka, soshite kanojo ga sono yōna kakkō o shite iru no o mita hito wa dare mo kanojo ga 14-saida to wa omowanakattadearou koto o setsumei shita. Watashi wa kanojo ga watashi no koya ni yattekite, watashitachi ga dono yō ni soko ni orite kita ka ni tsuite kakimashita. Kanojo wa watashi ni bōkō no yōna ōkibona bokki o ataemashita. Zan'nen'nagara, sono dankai de watashi wa monogatari o tsudzukeru tame no insupirēshon o ushinaimashita. S’ e wa fairu o jibun no konpyūtā ni hozon shita nochi, burauzā de fairu o hyōji suru hōhō o rikai dekinakatta tame, sutōrī o shōkai suru u~ebu saito o settoappu suru hitsuyō ga arimashita. Kore wa, adoresu bā o kurikku shi, purudaun menyū o akutibu ni shite, hādo doraibu o kensaku suru koto de jissai ni kanōdesu. URL wa yunivu~āsaru risōsu rokēta no ryaku de, intānettode wa naku hādo doraibu ni pēji o hozon dekiru koto o imi shimasu. Sore o onrain ni suru no wa sukoshi risuku ga atta kamo shirenai to omoimashitaga, sore o jikkō shimashita. Pēji ga kensaku enjin ni yotte mitsuke rare, indekkusu-ka sa reru made ni wa, shibaraku jikan ga kakarimashita.






Could this be what S'e was wearing?




S’e was a 14, then 15 year old girl. I asked her what her hobbies were, then she replied “Shagging and getting pissed”, which in case you don’t know, means fucking and getting drunk.


At first I said I had to hear her voice to check that she was a GUS, not a man, a boy, or a woman, she gave me her phone number and I spoke to her for a few minutes to check. I immediately thought her voice sounded exactly how a GUS’s voice should sound, meaning cute AND sexy, but I carried on talking to her because she was turning me on.


When I first phoned her, a friend of hers answered and said “S’e is in the toilet”, but just from hearing her say those few words I could tell she was a GUS.


Not long after this, S’e told me that she’d been lying about the shagging just to impress me, then she asked me “Are you prepared to fuck a virgin?”, so I said that was no problem. I’m not obsessed with fucking virgins, though. This would mean dumping a sexy GUS just after I’d fucked her.


Later, S’e told me online that she was going on holiday to Greece, where she would have lots of pics taken. She said she’d be wearing a pink bikini in the same style as a contestant on a game show at the time, but I hadn’t been watching that game show, so I didn’t know quite what style the bikini was. I had read that this particular contestant was 30 years old though, so that meant the same bikini would have looked quite different on her from how it would look on a 14 year old GUS, showing off her lovely new GUS cleavage, boobs, stomach, ass, and legs.


S’e also said that there would be some pics of her wet. I immediately told her I didn’t want to see any pics of her where her hair was wet, because that would turn me off.


Later on, after returning from her holiday in Greece, S’e told me that while on holiday she’d met a DJ who she told she was 17 and they French kissed, but that was all. I was disappointed that she felt she had to lie about her age. I thought she should have met up with that DJ again, told him she was 14 and watched what effect this had on him.


Another thing that S’e did was start taking The Pill (i.e. contraceptive or birth control pill), then she said she’d have to delay meeting me, because “My hormones are all over the place!” I was disappointed about this, because I really wanted to meet her. I think think I might have enjoyed seeing her in that state.


S’e also told me that she had a GUS friend whose family ran a Bed & Breakfast. She said she often visted her there. She suggested I book a room in this B&B, then she could come to my room where we could have sex, or at least a lot of physical contact, such as hugging and kissing, a hand job, etc. I imagined what her friend might think of me. I thought she’d phone S’e soon after I checked in and tell her a bit about me, such as what she thought of me. This friend might even have come to my room for a quick chat, or even tried to seduce me herself! I thought it was great that S’e often visited the B&B, because this meant that if the owners or the staff found her anywhere near my room, or even outside the door, then they wouldn’t have thought it was suspicious.


S’e managed to achieve something really amazing for a GUS, which was to get the local council to give her a new place to live away from her parents! I could hardly believe she’d managed to do this! I felt so happy, because it made me immediately start fantasizing about meeting S’e, then her taking me back to her place where there was no one else there who could stop us doing whatever we liked.


I also told S’e that I’d been writing some stories. She asked what genre they were, then I said “obscene stories”. She immediately said “I like obscene stories”. After this, I felt compelled to write an obscene story featuring S’e and me. It was about us meeting up on board a ship which was registered in another country where the age of consent was 14. This meant that the law of the country where the ship was registered applied on board, so we could legally have sex if she came on board that ship. I wrote a description of what she was wearing and that no one seeing her looking like that would have guessed she was 14 years old. I wrote about her coming to my cabin and how we were getting down to it, with her giving me a massive erection which was like a steel bar. Unfortunately, at that stage I lost my inspiration to continue with the story.

I had to set up a web site featuring the story, because S’e couldn’t understand how to view the files in a browser after saving them on her computer. This is actually possible by clicking on the address bar, activating a pull down menu, then looking for the hard drive. A URL stands for Universal Resource Locator, meaning that the page could be stored on your hard drive instead of on the Internet. I thought it might have been a bit risky putting it online, but then I did. It would have taken some time for the page to have been found and indexed by search engines. I just gave S’e the uploaded web page address or URL. After reading what I’d written, S’e asked me “Why does that story stop in the middle?” I told her that I’d run out of inspiration or had a case of writer’s block, then I realized that I’d have to think long and hard about how to describe the sex we were going to have. I felt really good when she said “Obviously I was really excited about what was going to happen”. I felt so happy that I’d made a GUS feel really excited! Unfortunately, I never finished the story, S’e never sent me her holiday pics, she only sent me one pic of herself casually dressed and we never met. Boo hoo!




I found a lovely 15 year old GUS called A’n by searching through personal profiles on a certain ISP. I was scouring the personal profiles for girls aged 13-15. I was also impressed by the word blonde in her profile name as well as because she lived near a big city, so all of these factors made me feel compelled to contact her using an Instant Messenger program. I asked her to send me a pic of her. It’s often quite difficult to get sexy GUSs to send pics of themselves, but in this case she sent me a pic immediately as soon as I asked her, just a few seconds or minutes into an online chat. When I saw this pic, I immediately typed “OMG, that’s fantastic!” What this phrase also means is something like “I give in! What are your demands?”, so an offer of total co operation, or at least negotiation where anything and everything might be considered. What I saw was a pic of a horny looking 15 year old girl with blonde hair in pigtails, wearing a cap covering part of her lovely blonde hair, a jacket undone slightly at the top, revealing a pendant underneath a black see through top, as well as heavily plucked eyebrows, large hooped earrings, lots of make up, and a nice jawline. I immediately thought “What do I have to do to get a girl like THAT?!”, meaning I was totally open to any suggestions she had.


Unfortunately, after that I didn’t hear from A’n again for a little while. The IM program was running and showed she was online, but she didn’t reply to me. The next thing I heard from her was that she was bisexual and she said “…so I knew you wouldn’t be interested” so this was why she’d been ignoring me. I was really upset by this, so I tried to deal with it. I tried to ask her what she wanted me to do which would fit in with her. I knew I felt I was ready to do just about anything, so long as it wasn’t with a man or a boy. This could have been 1. me saying that I didn’t care what A’n got up to when she wasn’t with me 2. me meeting A’n with her girlfriend, us all going out together, then me watching her French kiss her girlfriend, but also French kissing me before and after this 3. me meeting A’n alone or with a GUS friend who wasn’t her girlfriend, then we could have talked about her girlfriend if she had one at the time 4. me meeting A’n when she didn’t have a girlfriend, then her pointing out a girl to me who she liked the look of and the two of us going up to this girl trying to pick her up. I couldn’t believe this sexy bisexual GUS said “I knew you wouldn’t be interested”, because I was ready to do almost anything for her!


That’s enough for this post. Please make some comments. 

ガールズ・オウン・ファンタジー - パート2 / Gāruzu ōn fantajī - pāto 2

ガールズ・オウン・ファンタジー - パート2



La Senza または New Look は、GUS が買い物をするのに最適なショップです。



K'iは私の人生を変えた女の子でした​​。彼女の話し方が好きだったので、彼女は13歳だと言っていたにもかかわらず、彼女との会話を続けるように説得しました.彼女とチャットする前に、私が好きな女の子の最低年齢は14歳だと思っていましたが、彼女は誘惑されて13まで下げさせられた。この後、フェラをして飲み込んでしまうなどセクシーなことを教えてくれました。どんなフェラでも喜んでもらえるのですが、女の子を飲み込ませるようなことはしません。私は彼女にいつまたチャットできるか尋ねるメールを送った.彼女は、「どうしてそんなに必死になって私に話しかけるの?」と尋ねました。好きな女の子の最低年齢が14歳から13歳までという制限から解放されたからです。そして、レジで彼女の後ろに立ちました。私は彼女を上下に見て、遠くからは気付かなかったのに、彼女が 16 歳未満であることに気付きました。気になりませんでしたが、お母さんと一緒にいることに気づきました!この後、私は目をそらし始めました、そして、彼女は私が彼女を見つめていることに気づきました、しかし誰にも気づかれることを避けようとしました。彼女は、私が同年代の女の子が好きだと気づかせてくれた、つまり、私にひびが入ったと思ったのかもしれません。彼女は13歳か14歳だったに違いないと思っていました.K'iとチャットする前に、私はさまざまな女の子について「彼女は14に違いない」と考えていました.つまり、欲望したり空想したりすることは問題ありませんでしたが、それらの女の子の多くはおそらく13. K'i は私がこのことについて心配するのを止めてくれたので、私は彼女に永遠に感謝しています。レジでこのセクシーな GUS が私を見ているのを見つけた後、彼女は私に背を向け、髪を後ろに返しました。これは彼女が私のことを好きだというボディー ランゲージのサインだとすぐに思ったので、私はショックを受けました。この事件の後、私はK'iにそのことについて話しました.彼女がお母さんと一緒にいないときにまた会いたかったので、私はそれについて何かをすることができました。残念なことに、私が次に彼女を見たのは、そのスーパーマーケットの外に彼女のお母さんがいないところだったのですが、私はその時、たまたまお母さんと一緒にいました。彼女はサングラスをかけて、数人の友達と一緒に歩いていました。彼女は私にある種の表情を見せたが、それが何を意味するのかはわからない.彼女の友達に男の子がいたかどうかは覚えていません。 「なんて惨事だ!気にしないでください、きっとまた彼女に会えるはずです。その時、私たちのどちらもお母さんと一緒にいないことを願っています。」悲しいことに、私が彼女に会ったのはそれが最後でした。 K’iに関しては、彼女は世界の半分の人口密度の非常に低い地域に住んでいたので、私たちは会ったことがありませんでした。


私は 14 歳、後に 15 歳になる K'l と呼ばれる少女と話していました。彼は、New Look というチェーンストアで洋服の買い物に夢中になっているように見えました彼らが売っているものは何でもいいが、彼女は主に特定の種類の服を売っているように見せた.彼女の声は非常に高く、スピーチは不明瞭または不明瞭だったので、彼女は14歳未満に聞こえたと思っていましたが、これは14歳の女の子と十分に話していなかったせいかもしれません.同様。低い声で話せないかと聞いたのですが、話せないと言っていたので、GUSではなく小さな女の子かもしれないと心配しました。話している GUS 愛好家が自分が若いのではないかと心配している GUS に対する良いアドバイスは、「13/14/15 歳の女の子の中には、これに慣れてください BOY! 」

彼女は、人々がブラジャーを見ることができるシースルーのトップスをどのように着ていたかについて話し続けました。トップスはすべてピンクか白のようでした。これは、彼女がそれらを身に着けているように見えることを想像させました.私は彼女のブラジャーと彼女のおっぱいを見つめている軽いトランスに陥ったかもしれません、そして数秒後に私は催眠術をかけられたかもしれません。ニュールックに行って自分の目で確かめたくなったのですが、ランジェリー専門チェーン店のラセンザのように聞こえると思いました。 = CJ322MSL_M8CFYwQ0wodNFQEyQなので、少し怖かったかもしれません。その場合、すべてのアシスタントが私がそこにいた理由を理解した可能性があるからです。アシスタントが私を助けてくれないかと尋ねたら、私がどのような答えをしたか想像してみてください。彼女が私を助けてくれる唯一の方法は、シースルーのトップを着て写真を撮らせてもらうことでしたが、彼女は GUS の代わりに 16 歳以上だったので、あまり役に立ちませんでした.土曜日の仕事をしている GUS が何人かいたかもしれませんが、疑わしいと思います。

K'l は、私たちにできる「小さなイベント」と呼ばれるものについても教えてくれました。彼女は「小さなイベント」は、不特定の種類のスカートを履いて私の膝の上に座った場合だと簡単に説明しただけで、それがどのくらいの長さだったのか、どのようなスタイルだったのかはわかりません.彼女はスカートの下にひもを着ていることを説明し、「私のスカートが私たちを覆う」と言った.後で、彼女は私にタイトなスカートとフレアのスカートのどちらを着てほしいかと私に尋ねました。




K' i wa watashinojinsei o kaeta on'nanokodeshita ​​. Kanojo no hanashikata ga sukidattanode, kanojo wa 13-saida to itte ita nimokakawarazu, kanojo to no kaiwa o tsudzukeru yō ni settoku shimashita. Kanojo to chatto suru mae ni, watashi ga sukina on'nanoko no saitei nenrei wa 14-saida to omotte imashitaga, kanojo wa yūwaku sa rete 13 made sage sase rareta. Kono ato, fera o shite nomikonde shimau nado sekushīna koto o oshiete kuremashita. Don'na fera demo yorokonde moraeru nodesuga, on'nanoko o nomikoma seru yōna koto wa shimasen. Watashi wa kanojo ni itsu mata chatto dekiru ka tazuneru mēru o okutta. Kanojo wa,`dōshite son'nani hisshi ni natte watashi ni hanashikakeru no?' To tazunemashita. Sukina on'nanoko no saitei nenrei ga 14-sai kara 13-sai made to iu seigen kara kaihō sa retakaradesu. Soshite, reji de kanojo no ushiro ni tachimashita. Watashi wa kanojo o jōge ni mite, tōku kara wa kidzukanakatta no ni, kanojo ga 16-sai mimandearu koto ni kidzukimashita. Ki ni narimasendeshitaga, okāsan to issho ni iru koto ni kidzukimashita! Kono ato, watashi wa me o sorashi hajimemashita, soshite, kanojo wa watashi ga kanojo o mitsumete iru koto ni kidzukimashita, shikashi darenimo kidzuka reru koto o sakeyou to shimashita. Kanojo wa, watashi ga dōnendai no on'nanoko ga sukida to kidzuka sete kureta, tsumari, watashi ni hibi ga haitta to omotta no kamo shiremasen. Kanojo wa 13-sai ka 14-saidatta ni chigainai to omotte imashita. K' i to chatto suru mae ni, watashi wa samazamana on'nanoko ni tsuite `kanojo wa 14 ni chigainai' to kangaete imashita. Tsumari, yokubō shi tari kūsō shi tari suru koto wa mondai arimasendeshitaga, sorera no on'nanoko no ōku wa osoraku 13. K' i wa watashi ga kono koto ni tsuite shinpai suru no o tomete kuretanode, watashi wa kanojo ni eien ni kansha shite imasu. Reji de kono sekushīna GUS ga watashi o mite iru no o mitsuketa nochi, kanojo wa watashi ni se o muke, kami o ushironi kaeshimashita. Kore wa kanojo ga watashinokoto o sukida to iu bodī rangēji no saindato sugu ni omottanode, watashi wa shokku o ukemashita. Kono jiken no ato, watashi wa K' i ni sono koto ni tsuite hanashimashita. Kanojo ga okāsanto issho ni inai toki ni mata aitakattanode, watashi wa sore ni tsuite nanika o suru koto ga dekimashita. Zan'nen'nakotoni, watashi ga tsugini kanojo o mita no wa, sono sūpāmāketto no soto ni kanojo no okāsan ga inai tokorodatta nodesuga, watashi wa sonotoki, tamatama okāsan to issho ni imashita. Kanojo wa sangurasu o kakete, sūnin no tomodachi to issho ni aruite imashita. Kanojo wa watashi ni arushuno hyōjō o misetaga, sore ga nani o imi suru no ka wa wakaranai. Kanojo no tomodachi ni otokonoko ga ita ka dō ka wa oboete imasen. `Nante sanjida! Kinishinaide kudasai, kitto mata kanojo ni aeru hazudesu. Sonotoki, watashitachi no dochira mo okāsanto issho ni inai koto o negatte imasu.' Kanashī koto ni, watashi ga kanojo ni atta no wa sore ga saigodeshita. K’ i ni kanshite wa, kanojo wa sekai no hanbun no jinkō mitsudo no hijō ni hikui chiiki ni sunde itanode, watashitachiha atta koto ga arimasendeshita. `Kuru' watashi wa 14-sai,-go ni 15-sai ni naru K' l to yoba reru shōjo to hanashite imashita. Kare wa, nyū Look to iu chēnsutoa de yōfuku no kaimono ni muchū ni natte iru yō ni miemashita http: / / Www. Newlook. Komu/ shop/ womens _ 10002 karera ga utte iru mono wa nandemoī ga, kanojo wa omoni tokutei no shurui no fuku o utte iru yō ni miseta. Kanojo no koe wa hijō ni takaku, supīchi wa fumeiryō matawa fumeiryōdattanode, kanojo wa 14-sai-miman ni kikoeta to omotte imashitaga, kore wa 14-sai no on'nanoko to jūbun ni hanashite inakatta sei kamo shiremasen. Dōyō. Hikui koe de hanasenai ka to kiita nodesuga, hanasenai to itte itanode, GUSde wanaku chīsana on'nanoko kamo shirenai to shinpai shimashita.-Banashi shite iru GUS aikō-ka ga jibun ga wakai node wanai ka to shinpai shite iru GUS ni taisuru yoi adobaisu wa,`13/ 14/ 15-sai no on'nanoko no nakaniha, kore ni narete kudasai bōi' kanojo wa, hitobito ga burajā o miru koto ga dekiru shīsurū no toppusu o dono yō ni kiteita ka ni tsuite hanashi tsudzukemashita. Toppusu wa subete pinku ka shiro no yōdeshita. Kore wa, kanojo ga sorera o mi ni tsukete iru yō ni mieru koto o sōzō sa semashita. Watashi wa kanojo no burajā to kanojo no oppai o mitsumete iru karui toransu ni ochītta kamo shiremasen, soshite sūbyōgo ni watashi wa saimin-jutsu o kake rareta kamo shiremasen. Nyūrukku ni itte jibun no me de tashikametaku natta nodesuga, ranjerī senmon chēn-ten no rasenza http: / / Www. Lasenza. Komu/ collections/ trend - arāto - 5. Html? Gclid no yō ni kikoeru to omoimashita. = CJ 322 MSL _ M 8 CFYwQ 0 wodNFQEyQnanode, sukoshi kowakatta kamo shiremasen. So no baai, subete no ashisutanto ga watashi ga soko ni ita riyū o rikai shita kanōsei ga arukaradesu. Ashisutanto ga watashi o tasukete kurenai ka to tazunetara, watashi ga dono yōna kotae o shita ka sōzō shite mite kudasai. Kanojo ga watashi o tasukete kureru yuiitsu no hōhō wa, shīsurū no toppu o kite shashin o tora sete morau kotodeshitaga, kanojo wa GUS no kawari ni 16-sai ijōdattanode, amari yakunitachimasendeshita. Doyōbi no shigoto o shite iru GUS ga nan'ninka ita kamo shiremasenga, utagawashī to omoimasu. K' l wa, watashitachi ni dekiru `chīsana ibento' to yoba reru mono ni tsuite mo oshiete kuremashita. Kanojo wa `chīsana ibento' wa, fu tokutei no shurui no sukāto o haite watashi no hiza no ue ni suwatta baaida to kantan ni setsumei shita dake de, sore ga dono kurai no naga-sadatta no ka, do no yōna sutairudatta no ka wa wakarimasen. Kanojo wa sukāto no shita ni himo o kite iru koto o setsumei shi,`watashi no sukāto ga watashitachi o ōu' to itta. Atode, kanojo wa watashi ni taitona sukāto to furea no sukāto no dochira o kite hoshī ka to watashi ni tazunemashita.








La Senza or New Look are great shops for GUSs to shop at!




K’i was a girl who changed my life. I liked something about the way she was talking, so this persuaded me to carry on chatting to her although she told me she was 13. Before I started chatting to her, I thought the minimum age of girls I should like was 14, but she seduced me, making me lower it to 13. After this, she told me some sexy things, such as that she gave blow jobs and she swallowed. I’m happy to get any kind of blow job, but I don’t try to make girls swallow. I sent her an email asking when we could chat again. She replied, asking “Why are you so desperate to talk to me?” This was because she had freed me from the restriction that the minimum age of girls I like was 14, reducing it to 13. At about the same time, I noticed a girl in a supermarket, because of her hair, her face, and her legs, then went and stood behind her at the checkout. I looked her up and down, then realized that she was under 16, although I hadn’t noticed this from the distance. This didn’t bother me, but then I noticed she was with her Mom! After this, I started to look away, then she noticed that I was staring at her, but trying to avoid anyone noticing. Perhaps she thought that she’d made me realize that I liked girls her age, or in other words she thought she’d cracked me. I thought she must have been 13 or 14. Before chatting to K’i, I used to think about various girls “She must be 14”, meaning it was OK to lust and fantasize over them, but a lot of those girls were probably 13. K’i stopped me worrying about this, so I’m eternally grateful to her. After this sexy GUS at the checkout caught me looking at her, she turned her back to me, then flipped her hair back. I was shocked, because I immediately thought this was a body language sign that she liked me. After this incident, I chatted to K’i about it and she said that it was definitely a body language sign that she liked me. I hoped to see her again when she wasn’t with her Mom so I could do something about it. Unfortunately, the next time I saw her was outside that supermarket without her Mom, but I happened to be with my Mom at the time, although I was older and more independent than her. She was walking along with a few friends, wearing sunglasses. She gave me a certain type of look, but I’m not sure what it meant. I can’t remember if her friends included any boys. I thought “What a disaster! Never mind, I’m sure to see her again. I hope neither of us is with our Mom at the time”. Sadly, that was the last time I saw her. As for K’i, she lived in a very low population density area halfway across the World, so we never met.


I was speaking to a 14, later 15 year old girl callled K’l who seemed to be obsessed with shopping for clothes at a chainstore called New Look I had never really noticed New Look or anything they sold, but she made it sound like they sold mainly a particular kind of clothes. I thought she sounded younger than 14, because her voice was very high pitched and her speech was indistinct or slurred, but I think this may have been because I hadn’t been talking to enough 14 year old girls, so I thought they all sounded similar. I asked her if she could talk in a lower voice, but she said she couldn’t, so I was worried she might be a little girl instead of a GUS. I think some good advice for GUSs if a GUS lover they’re talking to is worried that they’re younger might be to say “This is what SOME 13/14/15 year old girls sound like, so get used to it BOY!”

She kept talking about how she wore see through tops which allowed people to see her bra. The tops seemed to be all either pink or white. This made me imagine what she’d look like wearing them. I might have fallen into a light trance staring at her bra and her boobs, then several seconds later I could have been hypnotized. It made me feel like going into New Look to see for myself, but I thought it sounded a bit like the lingerie specialist chain store La Senza , so it could have been a bit scary, because in that case all the assistants might have worked out why I was there. Imagine what kind of answer I might have given if an assistant had asked if she could help me. The only way she could have helped me would have been to put on a see through top and let me take pics of her, but this wouldn’t have helped much because she’d have been over 16 instead of a GUS. I suppose there might have been some GUSs there doing a Saturday job, but I doubt it.

K’l also told me about something called “a small event” which we could do. She only explained briefly that “a small event” was if she sat on my lap while wearing an unspecified type of skirt, so I’m not sure how long or short it was, or what style. She did explain that she’d be wearing a thong underneath the skirt and said “my skirt will cover us”. Later on, she asked me if I wanted her to wear a tight skirt or a flared skirt, so then I said a tight skirt, because I knew I wanted to see it clinging to her ass to prove whether or not she was mature enough. Apart from this, she said “Your zip will be open”. This made me think that she’d be riding my cock, rubbing her ass and pussy against it, then losing control and writhing on my lap, while I also lost control and couldn’t help grinding against her, when suddenly my cock might slip out from underneath my underpants then I’d have to quickly put a condom on before it inevitably slid into K’l’s lovely juicy cunt or ass. I think a “small event” is a fantasy that GUSs might have if they’ve never had sex, but they want to do something quite sexy that may or may not lead to full sex. Then, if it does lead to full sex, they’re happy.

Another thing K’l said was about meeting up, then going back to her place on the bus while her parents were out. She also said “I’ll have to fuck you at least twice on the bus”. I couldn’t believe it! This was like the total opposite of the nasty inhibited attitude that girls over sixteen and women usually display. I didn’t even know how it would have been possible. She was talking like a bitch on heat, a wild animal. I imagined being on the bus with her then pleading with her to wait until she got me home. I don’t even know if I could have stopped her once she’d started on me.

Unfortunately, although I think that every GUS should bring another GUS with her to be on the safe side when meeting a GUSDS, GUSAS, or a GUS lover, K’l had a GUS friend who she said was well into this kind of thing, going out with males at least 5 years older than her, and it sounded like this was the GUS she’d be bringing with her when we met. Sadly, this other GUS was suspicious of me and my motives, which were the totally harmless instincts and desires that I wanted to meet a nice, cute and sexy, keen and eager GUS who would make everything sound simple, then hand her some alcohol, have “a small event”, etc. After this, K’l could have gone safely home, taking most of the alcohol with her, apart from what she’d already drunk, then we could have arranged to meet up again for some more fun.

K’l’s GUS friend didn’t like the sound of my voice, she thought she knew it all, meaning that just because of the sound of my voice K’l shouldn’t be meeting me! This was even though I was prepared to trust and believe that K’l wasn’t a little girl pretending to be older!

Another time, K’l made the mistake of telling some woman that she’d arranged to meet someone from the Internet, meaning me, the following day. I must advise any sexy GUSs reading this that they should never, ever tell anyone except other GUSs and then only GUSs who agree with what they’re doing, that they’re meeting anyone from the Internet. They should tell anyone else, such as their parents, girls over 16, women, boys under 16, or anyone else who isn’t a GUS that they’re just “Going out”, “Going to meet my friends”, “What’s it got to do with you?” or “Mind your own business!”

As for K’l, she said this woman was coming along with her, as well as that we’d have to meet at a bus stop, instead of at the train station as previously agreed. Unfortunately, I didn’t think I could have found my way, because I couldn’t get a map of the area. The whole plan had turned into a nightmare scenario because K’l said this woman wanted “…to get to know you”. I think this probably meant she was trying to guess how old I was. This is why I had to cancel that meeting. Unfortunately, I never met the wonderful, sexy K’l, but I think all her fantasies prove how cute and sexy GUSs are.


女の子自身のファンタジー–パート1 On'nanoko jishin no fantajī – pāto 1


あの店に行ってくれませんか?」 GUSリクエストである可能性があります! `Ano mise ni itte kuremasen ka?' GUS rikuesutodearu kanōsei ga arimasu!




武道を勉強して、武道を傷つけたい人から身を守ることを強くお勧めします。そうすれば、GUS愛好家やGUSASと会うときに、よりリラックスした雰囲気を作り出すことができます。また、GUSに同行する可能性のある他のカテゴリの人はおそらく管理しようとしているため、年上の女の子、男の子、男性、または女性の代わりに、自分がしていることに同意する別のGUSを同伴する必要があります。彼女の人生と彼女に彼らの道徳を課します。年上の女の子や16歳未満の男の子も嫉妬するので、彼らを頼りにするのはよくありません。さらに良いアイデアは、別のGUSの友人に遠くから見てもらい、GUSASまたはGUSの恋人と一緒にいると思われるときに、さらに別のGUSの友人に電話をかけて、彼女が大丈夫かどうかを確認することです。彼女が大丈夫かどうか、または状況が何であるかについて、事前に準備されたコードがある可能性があります。たとえば、「OK、K、元気です」は「誘拐された」、「私は本当に元気です」は「すべてが実際に大丈夫」を意味する場合がありますが、GUSのグループは自分でそれを補う必要があります。 GUSがGUSの恋人やGUSASと会うときはいつでも、彼女が友達ではなく彼を好きかどうかを決めるのは彼女次第です。残念ながら、後で説明する1つのケースのように、友達が干渉しようとすることがあります。つまり、実際にGUSの恋人やGUSASと初めて会うGUSは、「さあ、行こう!」などと言わずに、事前に友達に意見を言わないように伝えなければなりません。


別の方法として、システムIRC(Internet Relay Chat)があります。これは、インターネットの初期には人気がありましたが、見てみるとまだ存在しています。ブラウザでは実行されないため、使用するには専用のIRCクライアントプログラムを検索してダウンロードする必要があります。このシステムはテキストベースで、かなり独立しており、検閲されていません。企業やブラウザで実行されている厳格なモデレーターによって制御される、より一般的なJavaまたはJavascriptタイプのチャットルームではありません。接続するリストからサーバーを選択し、/ listと入力して既存のチャットルームのリストを取得し、/ join [name]を入力して、名前を入力したチャットルームの1つに参加するか、独自の名前を作成して作成します。新しいチャットルーム。明らかに、最初にチャットルームのいずれかが13、14、15、または16未満と呼ばれているかどうかを確認する必要があります。

会う前に、何が起こるか心配しないように、関係者全員ができるだけ多くのアルコールを飲むことをお勧めします。あなたがこれを読んでいるGUSで、アルコールを手に入れることができない場合は、GUSの友達と一緒に行って、アルコールを販売しているいくつかの店の近くに立って、数人の年配の男性に質問する必要があります。 「すみません、お店に行ってくれませんか?」「入って飲んでくれませんか?」などですが、何が入っているのかを明確にするなどしてください。飲み物が実際にかかるよりも多くのお金、彼らにキスする、またはあなたが考えることができる他のものは何でも。うまくいかない場合は申し訳ありませんが、その場合は、GUSASまたはGUSの恋人に会ったときにできるだけ多くのアルコールを飲んでください。別の方法として、自家醸造キットを入手することもできます。



GUS wa 16-sai-miman no shōjodeari, GUSAS wa GUS no sūhai-shadeari, GUS ga toshiwototta ka no yō ni yaritai koto o suru no o tasukeru sapōtādesu. Kono tōkō wa, GUS to onrain oyobi denwa de okonatta kaiwa ni tsuite, atta toki no yōsu to dō naru ka o setsumei suruhitsuyōgāru to kanjita tamedesu. Mochiron, korera wa on'nanoko jishin no teiandeari, korera no kaiwa ya kūsō no izure mo, GUS ni kigai o kuwae tari, yūkai shi tari suru koto wa arimasen. Zan'nen'nagara, yūkai no mōshitate wa, GUS ga ienikaeru mae ni dare ka to ittei no jikan o sugosu koto o jibun de kettei suru koto wa dekizu, kyōshi no yō ni karera to issho ni ryokō ni dekakeru koto mo dekinai to iu tōsaku shita hōritsu ni motodzuite okonau koto ga dekimasu karera o yūkai shita to hinan sa rete iru hito. Korera no GUS to sono kyōshi ga koi o shite ita koto wa watashiniha akirakadesu. Budō o benkyō shite, budō o kizutsuketai hito kara mi o mamoru koto o tsuyoku o susume shimasu. Sō sureba, GUS aikō-ka ya GUSAS to au toki ni, yori rirakkusu shita fun'iki o tsukuridasu koto ga dekimasu. Mata, GUS ni dōkō suru kanōsei no aru ta no kategori no hito wa osoraku kanri shiyou to shite iru tame, toshiue no on'nanoko, otokonoko, dansei, matawa josei no kawari ni, jibun ga shite iru koto ni dōi suru betsu no GUS o dōhan suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. Kanojo no jinsei to kanojo ni karera no dōtoku o kashimasu. Toshiue no on'nanoko ya 16-sai-miman no otokonoko mo shitto surunode, karera o tayori ni suru no wa yoku arimasen. Sara ni yoi aidea wa,-betsu no GUS no yūjin ni tōku kara mite morai, GUSAS matawa GUS no koibito to issho ni iru to omowa reru toki ni, sarani betsu no GUS no yūjin ni denwa o kakete, kanojo ga daijōbu ka dō ka o kakunin suru kotodesu. Kanojo ga daijōbu ka dō ka, matawa jōkyō ga nandearu ka ni tsuite, jizen ni junbi sa reta kōdo ga aru kanōsei ga arimasu. Tatoeba,`OK, K, genkidesu' wa `yūkai sa reta',`watashi wa hontōni genkidesu' wa `subete ga jissai ni daijōbu' o imi suru baai ga arimasuga, GUS no gurūpu wa jibun de sore o oginau hitsuyō ga arimasu. GUS ga GUS no koibito ya GUSAS to au toki wa itsu demo, kanojo ga tomodachide wanaku kare o suki ka dō ka o kimeru no wa kanojo shidaidesu. Zan'nen'nagara,-go de setsumei suru 1tsu no kēsu no yō ni, tomodachi ga kanshō shiyou to suru koto ga arimasu. Tsumari, jissai ni GUS no koibito ya GUSAS to hajimete au GUS wa,`sā, yukō!' Nado to iwazu ni, jizen ni tomodachi ni iken o iwanai yō ni tsutaenakereba narimasen. Korera no kaiwa wa omoni chattorūmu matawa insutantomessējingu o shiyō shite okonawa remashitaga, ichibu wa denwa ni tsunagarimashita. Dareka no kami o burasshingu suru koto o imi shinai kagiri,`gurūmingu' no yōna mono wa arimasen. Sore wa tanoshī kotodesu. Toshiue no on'nanoko to josei ni onaji tekunikku o shiyō suru koto wa,`chatto' matawa `yūwaku' to yoba remasu. Saikin, tokutei no sofutō~ea o shiyō shita GUS no katsudō ni kansuru nyūsu ga ikutsu ka atta tame, jibun ni saitekina chattorūmu, sōsharunettowāku, mobairuapuri, matawa insutantomessējingushisutemu o jibun de mitsukeru no wa hitobito no sekinindesu. Kore o seigen shimasu. Nyūsude wa, sofutō~ea Tinder, Whatsapp, gūguru hanguauto ga toriage rarete imasuga, sōsharunettowāku ya mobairuapurinara dore demo shiyō dekimasu. Betsu no hōhō to shite, shisutemu IRC (intānetto rirē Chat) ga arimasu. Kore wa, intānetto no shoki ni wa ninki ga arimashitaga, mite miruto mada sonzai shite imasu. Burauzade wa jikkō sa renai tame, shiyō suru ni wa sen'yō no IRC kuraiantopuroguramu o kensaku shite daunrōdo suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. Kono shisutemu wa tekisutobēsu de, kanari dokuritsu shite ori, ken'etsu sa rete imasen. Kigyō ya burauza de jikkō sa rete iru genkakuna moderētā ni yotte seigyo sa reru, yori ippantekina jawa matawa Javascript taipu no chattorūmude wa arimasen. Setsuzoku suru risuto kara sābā o sentaku shi,/ list to nyūryoku shite kizon no chattorūmu no risuto o shutoku shi,/ join [name] o nyūryoku shite, namae o nyūryoku shita chattorūmu no 1tsu ni sanka suru ka, dokuji no namae o sakusei shite sakusei shimasu. Atarashī chattorūmu. Akiraka ni, saisho ni chattorūmu no izureka ga 13, 14, 15, matawa 16-miman to yoba rete iru ka dō ka o kakunin suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. Au mae ni, nani ga okoru ka shinpai shinai yō ni, kankei-sha zen'in ga dekiru dake ōku no arukōru o nomu koto o o susume shimasu. Anata ga kore o yonde iru GUS de, arukōru o te ni ireru koto ga dekinai baai wa, GUS no tomodachi to issho ni itte, arukōru o hanbai shite iru ikutsu ka no mise no chikaku ni tatte, sūnin no nenpai no dansei ni shitsumon suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. `Sumimasen, o-ten ni itte kuremasen ka?'`Haitte nonde kuremasen ka?' Nadodesuga, nani ga haitte iru no ka o meikaku ni suru nado shite kudasai. Nomimono ga jissai ni kakaru yori mo ōku no okane, karera ni kisu suru, matawa anata ga kangaeru koto ga dekiru ta no mono wa nani demo. Umaku ikanai baai wa mōshiwakearimasenga,-so no baai wa, GUSAS matawa GUS no koibito ni atta toki ni dekirudake ōku no arukōru o nonde kudasai. Betsu no hōhō to shite, jika jōzō kitto o nyūshu suru koto mo dekimasu.




"Will you go into that shop for me, please?" could be a GUS request!


A GUS is a Girl Under Sixteen and a GUSAS is a GUS Admirer and Supporter who helps GUSs to do what they want as if they were older!

This post is because I feel I must tell you about some conversations I’ve had with GUSs online as well as over the phone, telling me about what it would be like when we met up and what would happen. Of course, these were the girls’ own suggestions and none of these conversations or fantasies involve causing any harm to or kidnapping any GUSs, just in case you think they do. Unfortunately, allegations of kidnapping could be made based on perverted laws saying that GUSs can’t make their own decisions to spend a certain amount of time with someone before going home and can’t go away on a trip with them either, as with teachers who have been accused of kidnapping them. It’s obvious to me that these GUSs and their teachers were in love.

I strongly advise GUSs to study martial arts to help defend themselves against anyone who wants to harm them, then this would create a more relaxed atmosphere when meeting up with a GUS lover or GUSAS. They should also be accompanied by another GUS who agrees with what they’re doing, instead of an older girl, a boy, a man, or a woman, because any other category of person who might accompany a GUS would probably be seeking to control her life and impose their morality on her. An older girl or a boy under 16 would also be jealous, so it’s no good counting on them. Some more good ideas are to have another GUS friend watching from a distance and to get yet another GUS friend to phone her during the time when she’s supposed to be with the GUSAS or GUS lover to check if she’s alright. There could be a pre arranged code about whether or not she’s alright, or what the situation is. Examples could be “OK, K, I’m fine” might mean “I’ve been kidnapped”, “I’m really fine” might mean “Everything is actually OK”, but the group of GUSs should make it up by themselves. Whenever a GUS meets up with a GUS lover or GUSAS it’s up to HER to decide whether or not she likes him, not her friends. Unfortunately, sometimes the friends try to interfere, like in one case I mention later. This means that the GUS who is actually meeting her GUS lover or GUSAS for the first time must tell her friends in advance not to give her their opinions about him, not say “Come on, let’s go!”, etc, etc.

These conversations were mostly carried on using chatrooms or instant messaging, although some of them led to phone calls. There’s no such thing as “grooming”, unless you mean brushing someone’s hair, which is fun. Using the same techniques on older girls and women is called “chatting up” or “seduction”. It’s up to people to find out for themselves what are the best chatrooms, social networks, mobile apps, or instant messaging systems for them, because there has been some news recently about GUS activity using certain software, so now some sick governments might try to restrict this. The software Tinder, Whatsapp, and Google Hangouts have been mentioned in the news, but any social network or mobile app could be used.

An alternative is the system IRC (Internet Relay Chat), which was more popular in the early days of the Internet, but is still out there if you look. You need to search for and download a dedicated IRC client program to use it, because it doesn’t run in a browser. The system is text based, fairly independent and uncensored, instead of the more common Java or Javascript type chatrooms controlled by companies and strict moderators running in a browser. You just choose a server from a list to connect to, then type /list to get a list of already existing chatrooms, /join [name] to join one of these chatrooms which you type the name of or make up your own name to create a new chatroom. Obviously, you should first check to see if any of the chatrooms are called something like 13, 14, or 15, or under 16.

Before meeting up, it’s a good idea for everyone involved to drink as much alcohol as possible, to prevent you worrying about what’s going to happen. If you’re a GUS reading this and you can’t get any alcohol, then you should just go with some GUS friends and stand near, but out of earshot, of some shops which sell alcohol, then ask a few older males a question such as “Excuse me, please will you go into the shop for us?”, or “Please will you go in there and get us some drink?”, but you should make it clear what’s in it for them, such as giving them more money than the drink actually costs, kissing them, or whatever else you can think of. I’m sorry, if this doesn’t work, but in that case please drink as much alcohol as you can when you meet your GUSAS or GUS lover. An alternative might be to get a home brewing kit.

When I was 12, I went out one evening to meet a few friends and celebrate another boy’s 13th birthday. One of the boys, who was also 12 had said he was bringing two or three girls along, including one for me called Janet. He said that she wore low cut tops, so he thought I’d probably look up when I met her. He talked about some kind of fantasy, telling me to “First of all obtain a tit from Janet”. I said I wasn’t interested. When we met up for the 13th birthday evening out, it turned out he’d just been making up stories and didn’t bring any girls along at all. This whole paragraph is just about 12 year olds practising.

It’s important for GUSs to stop or get round their parents preventing them from interfering in their sex lives. The term sex life could mean anything connected with sex at all, such as clothes, make up, contraceptives, or alcohol. Some parents impose strict rules on their daughters, while others let them do whatever they like. Other parents may actively encourage their daughters to become sexy. Some GUSs try to practise techniques on their Dads which they plan to use on GUSASs and GUS lovers later on. Some GUSs try to persuade their Dads to help them to do things by asking nicely in a cute and sexy voice if they can have something, such as enough money to buy some see through tops, short skirts, make up, etc. Some Dads might be shocked by this, but other Dads are turned on by seeing their daughters becoming sexy GUSs, so they agree to what they want, then they enjoy seeing them wear these outfits they’ve given them the money for. Of course, they have got the pleasure of having their company and the opportunity of staring at them a lot of the time, but I must point out that it’s totally inappropriate behavior for Dads to have sex with their daughters. This is called incest and is wrong. I think that any sexual contact between Dads and their daughters, such as kissing them on the cleavage is wrong as well. Dads can only do things such as kissing their daughters on the cheek, holding hands, and brushing their hair. They could also go shopping with them for clothes and make up, which is a big turn on for GUS lovers and GUSASs.

In the following true stories, I just call the GUSs by their initials, followed by an apostrophe and one other letter from their names, so no one reading this knows who they are. This is because some of these GUSs have the same initial, so in those cases I’ve had to follow the initial with another letter to distinguish between them. But this letter isn’t the second letter If you want to make any comments about them, please mention the exact name I’ve given them.


This is the introduction to the GUS’s own fantasies. Their stories will follow soon!